xenTro9.phastCons11way.bw, xenTro9.phyloP11way.bw: Generated by UCSC computational analysis group. The files are not yet available for download from the official website of UCSC genome browser yet. It is made available for use at xenbase.org. The 11-species alignment is generated by aligning sequences of 10 other species against Xenopus tropicalis 9.1 (xenTro9). The assemblies that were used in the alignment include: Xenopus Tropicalis xenTro9 African Clawed Frog xenLae2 Tibetan Frog nanPar1 Painted turtle chrPic2 Chicken galGal5 Lizard anoCar2 Opossum monDom5 Dog canFam3 Human hg38 Mouse mm10 Fugu fr3 The two conservation score files are generated using the 11-way alignment. The tree model that was used by the two programs is the following: ((((xenTro9:0.112377,xenLae2:0.12472):0.360011,nanPar1:0.509957):0.214173,(((chrPic2:0.180814,galGal5:0.306963):0.0662812,anoCar2:0.44181):0.0949849,(monDom5:0.29966,(canFam3:0.144678,(hg38:0.114543,mm10:0.297108):0.020248):0.21538):0.15883):0.235899):0.458203,fr3:0.458203);